Next litter-picking is on Saturday the 27th July 2024 for the Bexhill Carnival,
meeting this time in the Polegrove at 11.00am, and then usually every two weeks back at the bandstand.

We usually meet up at 10.30am just west of the Coronation Bandstand to collect any required items needed, and then we get back together again between 12.15-12.30pm inside the bandstand to share our experiences.

You would be more than welcome to come and find out more.

Bexhill Carnival procession is on Saturday the 27th July 2024, and the theme this year is "Around the World".

The carnival is one of Bexhill’s longest running and biggest events of the year, and is run by a team of volunteers, whose aim is to provide a week of free events for the community and raise money for local charities and community groups.

Please get in touch to help at

26th August 2024 - Bank Holiday Monday


Around 60 cars were present at the inaugural event held in 2005. Fast-forward to the present day, and we now regularly welcome in the region of 500 vehicles; an eclectic mixture of cars of all ages, Classic, American, Commercial, Custom & Modified, plus classic motorcycles and scooters.

Over 50 trade stalls are present selling items such as autojumble, classic car portraits, and of course our own Bexhill 100 regalia stand selling club-branded clothing and accessories, and a wide range of catering outlets ensure that those present are well fed and watered. 

Bexhill Street Market, Devonshire Road, will be on Saturday and Sunday the 21st/22nd September 2024, 10.00am - 5.00pm.


Bexhill D Day Commemorations were on the 6th June 2024, 11.00am at the War Memorial, and
on the 8th June, 11.30am leaving the clocktower for a short service on the Metropole Lawns at 11.45am.

Bexhill Street Market, Devonshire Road, was on Saturday and Sunday the 25/26th May 2024, 10.00am - 5.00pm.

Bexhill Horse Show

Bank Holiday Monday  27th May 2024

9.00am - 5.00pm

Remembrance Sunday 12th November 2023

We reserved the Coronation Bandstand for our use between 10.00am & 1.00pm, complete with our desk top display and 6' Jesus Loves Bexhill banner.

We were there to ensure the area was free of litter and to talk to, and pray for, anyone who had a need.

We pray that our presence next to the War Memorial will be an added source of encouragement, support and hope in times of trouble.

Footbridge Gallery Project

21st October 11.00am - 3.00pm

We were all geared up to support this event, but unfortunately the weather beat us, so the activities in Devonshire Square were cancelled which was a great pity, but we will be there next time.

We were to be around from 2.00pm - 4.00pm litter picking and to help pack things away, and to make sure all is in order whilst talking to as many people as possible.

We supported the Bexhill Lions Anglo/Continental Market on the 16th September, and were warmly welcomed by visitors and stall holders, one giving us a 33% discount (or was that a sales ploy!!)

We hope to be present with our gazebo at the next Anglo/Continental Market

We were at the Bexhill 100 Classic and Custom Car Show on Bank Holiday Monday the 28th August 2023.


Many opportunities have come our way to be involved in various events in Bexhill, we were invited to attend the Queens Commemoration Service, participate in the The Covid Commemoration Service. We were invited to organise and lead the The Coronation Bandstand Launch Thanksgiving Service and the Bexhill Showcase Thanksgiving Service, as well as the Bexhill Carnival.

Apart from a number of breakfasts where we have had guest speakers, who could forget the "Burns Breakfast" with haggis of course, and then there was the memorable "Breakfast with Vinesong" event as well as the fantastic "Dinner with Vinesong", both were full capacity and brilliant. We have also been invited to speak at various church fringe meetings, which are very welcome.

We are very grateful for the opportunities we have had to share the good news of Jesus to a large audience and we look forward to many more.

For more information on past events, please see the drop down menu above, as well as the numerous photographs on the Photo Gallery page.